Kitchen Medicine

“First let food be your medicine.” ~Chinese proverb
Did you know that the thyme in the soup your Granny gave you for your cold has been shown to be one of the best natural antibiotics? Many of the foods and spices right in our own kitchens make powerful healing potions.
Don’t be fooled by how safe these foods are; many are quite effective at restoring us to good health. The safety is just a bonus, along with the inexpensive price and convenience of picking them up at your local farmer’s market or health food store. I recommend Clifton Natural Foods, where you’ll find a knowledgeable staff and rich community who will truly care about the health of you and your family.
Prevention, a very important, empowering and often overlooked aspect of foods in maintaining a healthy body. A vegan diet, as I explained in a previous blog, is the only diet to be scientifically demonstrated to cure disease, so it’s not hard to imagine how great it is in preventing many of the diseases on the rise do to SAD, the Standard American Diet.
Below are a few favorites foods of mine which you can get started with, but I encourage you to explore your own kitchen and some of the resources provided to regularly add to and vary your repertoire. Healthy eating❣️
Thyme, Infections
Cinnamon, Colds
Fennel, GI issues
Chamomile, Anxiety
Berries, Brain food
Tomatoes , Cancer
Pear nectar, Cold asthma
Watermelon, Summer heatstroke
Ferments, Microbiome
Soy, Heart disease
Apple, Fiber
Tropical fruits, Vitamins
Broccoli , Cancer
Vinegar, Blood sugar
Resources to explore; have fun!
How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD